
Three Reasons to Outsource Kitting Services

August 31, 2020

Owners of successful businesses often come to a point when a decision must be made: Should they outsource part of their business? If so, what part?

Outsourcing warehouse services, like assembly and kitting, to a third-party logistics (3PL) company is the right choice for many growing businesses.

Here are three reasons to outsource your kitting and assembly services.

Outsourcing Saves Money
Let’s start with the money. Outsourcing kitting saves you money! When a trusted 3PL company, like Woodard Brothers Distributing, takes care of your assembly and kitting services, you don’t need to invest in the warehouse space, equipment, technology, or training of staff to assemble and fulfill your orders. Plus our buying power enables us to source cartons, packing materials, and other supplies at competitive prices. Simply put, outsourcing assembly and kitting to Woodard Brothers Distributing lets you run a lean business, freeing up your funds for other investments.

Outsourcing Saves Time
You’ve heard the phrase, “Time is money,” and when you outsource kitting to Woodard Brothers Distributing, you’ll understand why it’s true. A specialized 3PL partner like Woodard Brothers Distributing has the expertise to help you respond quickly, correctly, and economically to changing demands from your customers and retailers. Plus outsourcing kitting services means you can respond easily to the ebb and flow of customer orders. You no longer have to worry about scheduling overtime for workers or potentially reducing hours or laying off employees as your kitting business changes. When you partner with Woodard Brothers Distributing, our staff becomes part of your team. We can scale our services based on the changing needs of your business. Need to switch up the product mix in a kit to respond to an emerging trend? We can do that! Need the kitting done right the first time? You can count on us!

Outsourcing Saves Mental Energy
You’re the expert in your business, but most likely, you’re not an expert in warehouse services and fulfillment activities. But lucky for you, we are! Outsourcing your kitting and assembly services to Woodard Brothers Distributing means you don’t have to divide your mental energy between managing your business and the logistics of order fulfillment. Furthermore, Woodard Brothers Distributing brings the human touch to your kitting services. Our goal is to save you time and money while helping to make a difference in our world.

We are an established, experienced warehousing company, and we can’t wait to become your trusted partner for warehouse operations and fulfillment services. Contact us today to see how we can serve you!
