In everything we do, we do it with a human touch. We want our story to become your story, no matter what it is. We believe in employing individuals who have the talent and capacity to take care of your product with the care only a human can provide. In doing so, we want to leave things better than we found them.

So what drives us? Loving people unconditionally and realizing that it is not us and them, it is always just us. There was an opportunity to be created in this world to make a difference. We saw that adults with disabilities were being left behind and were not ready for the real world. We created Woodard Bros to give adults with disabilities a place to thrive, be creative and be surrounded by support. With this support system they are growing and understanding life and commerce while also giving the finest and friendliest services. Community commerce and confidence are our most important motivations at Woodard Bros. In a community, our employees can gain friendship and knowledge together in a comfortable and uplifting environment. In these environments confidence is grown and talent is pulled out and shown to the world. If you want to learn more about our mission, please contact us here!